4|12 Kids
Partnering with parents to help grow children into Resilient Disciples of Jesus.
4|12 Kids is dedicated to partnering with parents to help grow children into Resilient Disciples of Jesus. Through age-specific lessons, activities, and small groups, your children from birth through 5th grade will learn Biblical truths along with real-life application.
and Events
Sundays (Birth-Grade 5)
9:45 & 11:30 AM
Wednesday (Birth-Grade 5)
7:00 PM
Choir (Kindergarten-8th Grade
5:15 PM Wednesdays during school year
Planning to Visit?
Pre-register your children below…
Each lesson focuses on the Good News of Jesus Christ through the truth of God’s Word and includes activities to help raise up resilient of Jesus through a 3-part process: Belong, Believe & Become.
Want To Know More?
Have questions about 4|12 Kids? Email us to learn more and discover how your kids can get involved today!
Bekah Tennant
Children’s Director