4|12 Men's Breakfast
Calling All Men!!!
Bring your sons, bring your dads, bring your friends, bring your neighbors, bring anyone who needs Jesus!!!
You are all welcome to come out on Saturday, November 2nd @ 7:30AM @ 4|12 Church | San Jacinto
Join us in the Fellowship Hall to hang with the guys, have some food, worship the Lord & listen to a message from God's Word!
Previous Men’s Bible Study
During the Fall 2024 Men's Bible Study season we Finished the Books of 2 Peter 3 & Jude. Our Bible Study was set-up to help you know and learn How To Stand Firm even under the trials and persecutions of the Christian Life.
Previous 4|12 Men’s Retreat Grounded
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.