United States

Retired from full-time missions, involved in local ministry.

Bill Adams


Julie works doing missionary care with long-term missionaries and helping ready new missionaries to go to the field.  She is also doing Swaiziland Timbali work stateside, helping with U.S. sales, marketing, etc.

Julie Anderson


Harry and Audrey Brown

Harry is CEO of New Generations. He travels internationally to mentor and train pastors.


Dave and JoAnne Harthan

Twin Cities

Follow-up for new contacts, psychological evaluations for applicants, debriefing returning missionaries.

Crises offer unique opportunities for compassionate outreach, evangelism and disciplemaking. We help partners prepare for and respond to disasters in their communities and around the world. Through holistic ministry, we are seeing God restore hope, rebuild lives and transform communities.

Mark and Katie Manning

Houston, TX

Strengthens ministry partnerships, helps fields improve short-term missions programs.

Jerry Skifstad


Co-Director of CRU movement near University of Iowa

Katie Smith


Paul and Julia Van Der Werf

Connecting Christian young adults with ways they can use their degree overseas, along side strategic long-term projects, for two years.

Twin Cities